Brushstrokes Through Time
Unleash your creativity while delving into the captivating narrative of art history at Ruthven Park.
Curriculum Connections
D1.1 create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and multimedia art works that explore feelings, ideas, and issues from a variety of points of view
D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey
D1.1 create art works, using a variety of traditional forms and current media technologies, that express feelings, ideas, and issues, including opposing points of view
D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey
D1.1 create art works, using a variety of traditional forms and current media technologies, that express feelings, ideas, and issues and that demonstrate an awareness of multiple points of view
D2.1 interpret a variety of art works and identify the feelings, issues, themes, and social concerns that they convey
A1.1 use a variety of strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate ideas and to develop plans for the creation of art works
B3.3 identify, on the basis of exploration, a variety of personal opportunities in their community in cultural or other fields related to visual arts
A1.1 use a variety of strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, to generate ideas and to develop plans for the creation of art works
B3.3 describe, on the basis of exploration, a variety of personal opportunities in their community in cultural or other fields related to visual arts